Twitch Mode Returns! We've updated Twitch integration to work with the new Twitch APIsĪll reworked menus now support keyboard input controls:.
Added new Grudge Mark: 'Warchief' - Periodically, a monster with this mark spawns elite units around itself.
Added new Grudge Mark: 'Cursed Aura' - A monster with this mark temporarily curses the health of nearby players.
Attacking the monster refreshes this debuff
Added new Grudge Mark: 'Frenzy' - Striking this monster with this mark 10 times in quick succession throws the player into a frenzy, increasing attack speed and movement speed by 25% and power by 20% but attacking causes damage to the player.
Added Streamlined Weapon Upgrades: A new UI feature that gives you a detailed overview of your currently equipped weapon.
Added togglable filters to Okri's Challenges.
Okri's Challenges can now be claimed in bulk.
Added Clear Deeds: You can now delete deeds to make space in your inventory.
Added Bot Prioritization: Select which careers should fill your party, and in what order.
Added Persistent Ammo Counter: Allows you to always see your ammo stash, irregardless of whether you have your ranged weapon equipped.
Added Equipped Items on Other Careers: See which items are equipped on careers other than the one you're currently playing.
Added Manage Career Inventory: Able to manage other careers' inventories and abilities without having to switch to that career.
Added Social Wheel Emotes: You can now trigger character poses to flex and take pictures with your friends!.
Enhanced Friendly Fire Crosshair / Hit Marker: Shows a more differentiated hitmarker when damaging an ally.
Added Kill Confirm Crosshair: Indicates what and when you've killed an enemy.
Added Detailed UI: Adds more details for health and ammunition values in the in-game HUD.
Added Melee Camera Movement: Allows you to reduce or remove the sways and movements during combat and general gameplay.
Moving to a Unified UI is beneficial for implementing new features to the interface, such as the freshly implemented features below (The legacy UI can be found in the options menu on PC):
To provide the best user experience and allow for more streamlined interface updates, we’ve decided to merge into a single unified menu system for all players and platforms.